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Q: What type of cable would you use for horizontal or vertical spaces?
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What type of cable would you use for the horizontal spaces and vertical links?

Typically most fire marshal laws would require plenum cable.

What type of cable would you use for the horizontal spaces and the vertical links for a traditional star network?

Cat6 is the current standard for new installations of ethernet cable. Depending on the space and certain building codes you need to decide between Plenum (CMP) or Riser (CMR). The difference being Riser cable is more durable, but puts out toxic fumes when caught on fire, so it is not suitable for spaces with open air flow. Dropped ceilings are generally considered Plenum spaces so therefore require plenum cable.

If you wanted to make a line graph to graph the motion of an object what would you put what on the horizontal axis and what would you put on the vertical axis?

You would put time on the horizontal axis and the position of the object on the vertical axis. This would allow you to see how the object's position changes over time.

What is the analogy for latitude horizontal and longitude?


Would you interpretations be different if the graph had vertical bars instead horizontal bars Explain?

yes because horizontal lines are across and vertical lines is up n down

If a slide went vertical for 100 meters then horizontal for 10 and vertical again for another 90 meters would you survive or be flung off at the 10 meter horizontal?


Why start on the horizontal axis?

We start on the horizontal axis because of tradition. You would get the same results if you started on the vertical axis, as long as you continue to label the horizontal axis as the x-axis and the vertical axis as the y-axis.

Does horizontal mean up and down?

Horizontal does not mean up or down. That would be vertical. Horizontal is left and right. Think of it like looking at the horizon.

When you graph the motion of an object you put on the horizontal axis and on the vertical axis?

On the horizontal axis you would probably plot the time. On the vertical axis you could plot displacement, velocity or acceleration.

If a line has an undefined slope what can you say about the horizontal coordinates of each of the points on the line?

A vertical line has an undefined slope. If a line is vertical, the horizontal coordinate, commonly known as the x coordinates, must all be the same. If not, the line would not be vertical.

How do you write a coordinate?

(x, y)Open parenthesis, x coordinate [horizontal/latitude], comma, y coordinate [vertical/longitude], close parenthesis.For example, (2, 3) would be two spaces right and three spaces up from the origin. If you change the direction (again, from the origin), use negatives. (-2, -3) is two spaces left and three spaces down.

How would you use verdical in a sentence?

I assume you mean vertical, not verdical.The rectangle has 2 vertical lines, and 2 horizontal lines.