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It is: 4/8 or 1/2 divided by 4 = 1/8

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Q: What type of fraction is four eights if you divide it by 4?
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The easiest way to type a fraction is to the / key between the numbers. If you wanted to type one over four, you would type 1/4.

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The answer is four 1/10 pieces from a 1/10 fraction bar.

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4 is a whole number and also an integer. It is not a fraction or a decimal.

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How does 104 divide into 14 equally?104 doesn't divide into 14 equally. If you get a calculator and type in 14 divided by 104 you will get the answer: .1346153, which isn't an equal number, but a decimal.

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It is not any type of fraction: it is an integer!

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What will happens when a cell divides?

It depends on the type of cell. If it is a tissue cell, then it will divide into two daughter cells through the process of mitosis. If it is a sex cell, a gamete, it will divide into four daughter cells by meiosis.

What type of fraction is12?

It is an integer - not a fraction.