You have to convert the fraction to a decimal. For instance if what you wanted to divide by is in cell 1A then in cell 1B if you want to divide by 2/3you type =A1/0.666.
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We deny the premise and maintain that you can divide fractions.
It is simple all u really do is divide reguarlly.......
When you divide by fractions, you invert and multiply.
The fractions are when you divide a whole number into equal parts
In order to divide two fractions, multiply the first times the reciprocal of the second.
Not in Excel. Excel does not use fractions. If you need to use fractions, then turn them into decimals. You can represent 1/2 in excel with the formula =1/2.
multiply and divide fractions!-.-
We deny the premise and maintain that you can divide fractions.
It is simple all u really do is divide reguarlly.......
It is an instruction as to what you are required to do with some fractions.
When you divide by fractions, you invert and multiply.
to change dessimilar fractions to similar fractions you divide
The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)
Me is actually not impossible divide fractions. You just take the reciprocal of the dividend and multiply.
The fractions are when you divide a whole number into equal parts
In order to divide two fractions, multiply the first times the reciprocal of the second.