

What type of graph would be needed for a mode calculation?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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For discrete data, a bar chart. For continuous data a grouped frequency chart (histogram).

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Q: What type of graph would be needed for a mode calculation?
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The mode is the most occurring value. The highest percentage in the pie chart (circle graph) is your mode.

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a stem and leaf plot

How do you know the mode of a data set by looking at a bar graph?

The mode has two or more bars on the graph with the same height.

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it means what you see the most on the graph

What does mode mean in math terms?

the mode is the most common number for example 89,56,78,8,32,64,8 8 would be the mode you get it cause its the most common In math, mode means most used. So if you see a chart graph and you see some number that is the highest used, then that number would be the mode.

What does mode mean in maths terms?

the mode is the most common number for example 89,56,78,8,32,64,8 8 would be the mode you get it cause its the most common In math, mode means most used. So if you see a chart graph and you see some number that is the highest used, then that number would be the mode.

What is a mode on a graph?

the most common number

What does mode mean on a bar graph?

mode means the number that shows up the most

What is the mode of a bar graph?

uh... CHINA =P

What is it called when you find what is used most in a graph?

It is called the mode.

How do you find the mode in a graph?

imagine if you have a graph on the bottom line the numbers say 1 3 6 1 9 7 1 the mode of that graph is 1 because it was there number that was seen most meaning 1 is seen more than the others

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