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a stem and leaf plot

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Q: What graph would be best to use mean median and mode?
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How does the median affect the graph of a normal distribution?

A normal distribution is symmetrical; the mean, median and mode are all the same, on the line of symmetry (middle) of the graph.

What does a mean median and mode in a graph?

They are values of the variable which may be determined from some graphs.

In math what is a landmark?

Like, it shows a stat in a graph or group of things such as: the Median, range, Mode, Max, Min, Mean.

What would happen if the highest number were increased what would be the effect on the median and mean?

The median would not change, but the mean would increase.

Which measure would best to use in determining how much money customers usually spend a. range b mode c. median d. mean?

The median.

What is a positively skewed distribution?

A positively skewed or right skewed distribution means that the mean of the data falls to the right of the median. Picturewise, most of the frequency would occur to the left of the graph.

What is unimodel?

Unimodal is having a normal disturbution. The mean, median, and mode are all a the center. When looking at a graph, there is one maximum.

What is the shape of a distribution when the mean and the median are about the same value?

That would provide some evidence that the distribution is symmetric about the mean (or median).

What is the shape of a distribution when the mean and the median are the same value?

That would provide some evidence that the distribution is symmetric about the mean (or median).

Would you use mean median or mode to grade things?


Why look at median?

Sometimes the mean does not give the entire picture of how the data behaves. For example: {2, 2, 3, 15, 100} The mean is 24, the median is 3. This shows that if you graph these numbers on a line, they will be grouped much more to the low end than near the mean. ■

How do mean deviation from median?

The mean deviation from the median is equal to the mean minus the median.