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lobe hahahahahahaa ;)

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Q: What type of graph would best be used to show a change in a variable over time?
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Which type of graph is best for analyzing quantitative dependent and independent variable?

A scatter graph.

What is the best graph to use for time?

A line graph because time is a continuous variable

What graph is the best for an independent and dependent variable?

spread sheet

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i shave

What type of graph best portrays the overall shape of the distribution of a variable?

It is a histogram.

What data organizer would be best to show a change in data that is not continuous?

bar graph /\

The variable plottted on the horizontal x-axis is called?

You're generally going to put the independent variable on the horizontal axis, ie the variable that you decided to change in the experiment. If it is a continuous variable (ie a run of numbers) then you will be plotting a line graph and joining with a line or curve of best fit. If your variable is categoric ie has labels rather than numbers, or if it is whole-number only, then you're going to be plotting a bar graph.

Is a line graph used to show continuous data?

It can be, but not necessarily. If I had the heights (continuous variable) of a class of students I might use a histogram. Conversely, if I had the number of cars (discrete variable) driving by every minute, I would use a line graph. It all depends on which kind of graph conveys the information to your audience in the best way.

Which graph best represents a change of phase from a gas to a solid?

A graph going down from GAS to SOLID best represents a change in phase from a gas to a solid.

What best describes a root of a polynomial?

A value of the variable when the polynomial has a value of 0. Equivalently, the value of the variable when the graph of the polynomial intersects the variable axis (usually the x-axis).

What is the best graph to show temperature change?

Scatter graph i think. Hope that helps!