

What type of shape has equal angles and sides?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What type of shape has equal angles and sides?
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What shape has 4 equal sides no right angles?

A rhombus has 4 equal sides. Its angles can be right angles, but don't have to be. A square is a type of rhombus.

When all sides are congruent they are what type of angle?

All angles will be equal and the type of angle will depend on how many sides the shape has

What are equivalent triangles?

They are triangles with 3 equal sides and 3 equal interior angles or triangles that are congruent in shape

Shape with four equal sides?

A square is one type of rhomboid that meets the criteria of four equal sides. If the angles are not all equal there are many diamon shaped figures which meet the criteria.

What type of shape doesn't have equal sides?

A shape that does not have equal sides is called an irregular shape.

What is a four sided figure with opposite sides equal and parallel and opposite angles equal?

If one set of opposite sides is equal and parallel then both are. The figure is a PARALLELOGRAM and the opposite angles of course must be equal.(see related links below)Parallelograms include rectangles (four right angles) and rhomboids (two opposite acute angles and two opposite obtuse angles).A square is a type of rectangle (all sides equal).A rhombus is a type of rhomboid (all sides equal).Although a square could be considered an equiangular rhombus, it is usually considered a separate type of shape.

What is a diamond type of shape called in maths?

A quadrilateral with four equal-length sides and opposite angles equal (but not all four) is a rhombus. That's the usual description of a diamond shape.

What is the difference between a Pentagon and regular pentagon?

a pentagon has 5 sides, a regular pentagon has 5 EQUAL sides A Regular Pentagon is a shape that has equal angles and side lengths. It is type of Pentagon. Pentagons do not have to have equal sides and lengths.

What type of triangle has three equal sides and three equal angles?

A triangle with three equal sides and three equal angles is called an equilateral triangle.

Type of shape that has equal side?

All regular polygons have equal sides. In addition there are others, such as a rhombus, which also have equal sides but are not regular because their angles are not all the same. There is no generic name for such "squashed" polygons.

Why is a parallelogram sometimes a rhombus?

A parallelogram is a shape which has 2 pairs of parallel sides. In total it has 4 sides and Opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.When all four sides of the parallelogram are equal, it becomes a rhombus.It is a special type of parallelogram since all 4 sides are equal, but it still has 2 pairs of parallel sides and opposite angles are equal.

A type of triangle with no congruent sides or angles?

A triangle with no equal sides or angles is known as a scalene triangle. Equilateral triangles, by contrast, have three equal sides and three 60 degree angles.