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All angles will be equal and the type of angle will depend on how many sides the shape has

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Q: When all sides are congruent they are what type of angle?
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What type of triangle has 1 right angle and 2 congruent sides?

Isosceles Triangle - 2 congruent sides Equilateral Triangle - all three sides are congruent Scalene triangle - no sides are congruent

What are the names of five triangles?

Equilateral ( all sides are congruent), Isosceles (2 sides are congruent, Scalene (no sides are congruent), Acute ( three acute angles), Obtuse ( one obtuse angle), Right ( one right angle).

How do cubes and rectangular prisms differ?

A cube is a rectangular prism with all its sides congruent and angle between any two adjacent sides = 90 degrees.Rectangular prism does not necessarily have all its sides congruent and angle between any two adjacent sides = 90 degrees.

Which quadrilateral has two pairs of parallel sides and all sides and angles congruent?

You're fishing for "a square", but the way you've described it, no such animal exists. You said "all sides and angles congruent", and that's not possible. The sides are congruent to each other, and the angles are congruent to each other, but no side is congruent to any angle.

What type of quadrilateral has 4 congruent angles but not necessarily 4 congruent sides?

RectangleA rectangle has 4 congruent angles, but two pairs of congruent sides instead of all sides being congruent.

What type of triangle that has at least two sides congruent?

isosceles has 2 congruent sides and equilateral has all 3

If two sides of a rectangle are congruent then then angles oppposite those sides are always congruent?

No "if" is necessary in this case. All angles of a rectangle are congruent, by definition. Also, there is no "angle opposite a side" in a rectangle.

What type of quadrilateral has the same length sides but not all angles are congruent?

An ireggular square has sides all the same lenght but all the angles are not congruent

Does a kite have all congruent sides?

it depends on the type of kite, but typically thay are a diamond shape, so no the sides are not congruent.

What do the triangles look like and what are the names?

Equilateral triangle = All sides congruent Scalene triangle = No sides congruent Isosceles triangle = At LEAST two sides congruent Right triangle = Triangle with one right angle Obtuse triangle = Triangle with ONE obtuse angle Acute triangle = Triangle with ALL acute angles

If all the sides of a polygon are congruent what type of polygon is it?

It is an equilateral polygon. It is not a regular polygon. For the polygon to be regular, it is not enough for the sides to be congruent: all the angles need to be congruent as well.

How do you name a triangle by its sides and angles?

how you name a triangle by its angles is like acute, obtuse, or right triangle. you do that by seeing if the angle has a 90 degree angle in it then its a right angle, if all the angles are 90 degrees or less than its an acute triangle. and if the triangle has one angle that is over 90 degrees than it is an obtuse triangle. to name a triangle by its sides is if its equilateral, equiangular, or regular. if its equilateral then all the sides are congruent. if its equiangular then all the angles are congruent. if its regular, then all the sides and angles are congruent to each other (for example and octogon). :)