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In a ring topology each station has two neighbors; an upstream and downstream neighbor.

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Q: What type topology Network has exactly two neighboring nodes?
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Which network topology do nodes act as repeaters?

Star Topology, where Hubs can act as repeaters.

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Will an Increase in number of nodes slow down LAN?

Yes, depending on the number of nodes added, the topology of the network, and how busy the nodes are.

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A ring topology connects neighboring nodes until they form a ring. * signals than travels in one direction around the ring; each device on the network acts as a repeater to send the signal to the next device.

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What is Ring topology and Star topology?

A network topology in which network nodes are connected in a circular configuration. Each nodes Examines the data sent through the ring and passes on data not addresses to it.this iz ring topology A network layout or design in which each node is connected to a central hub. The hub establishes, maintains and terminates all connections between the nodes. In a LAN, the hub is likely to be a workstation, whereas in larger multi-point networks the hub is more likely to a multiplexer.this is star topology jyoti bhubanesw3ar

What is the term network topology mean?

Network topology is the way a computer network is set up and arranged, Examples for possible topologies include ring, star, bus, and line. Each of these topologies have their advantages and disadvantages, with star being the most common in today's world.