

What uint of measurement is 10 to the twenty-third power?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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10 to the twenty-third power is not a unit of measurement. It is a number.

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Q: What uint of measurement is 10 to the twenty-third power?
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There are many ways to implement Pascal's Triangle in C++. One of the easiest ways is to use a vector of vectors, which is essentially a two-dimensional dynamic array. Although you could use a static 2D array, the matrix would need to be sparse because the first row has only one value, while the second has two values, and so on. Unused elements would need to store the value zero, but unused elements are wasteful. You could improve upon this by creating a 1D array of dynamic arrays, however C++ vectors are much easier to work with and achieve the same thing. The following program asks the user to enter the top value of the triangle and the number of rows in the triangle. The range of acceptable values has been limited to ensure all printed triangles will fit comfortably within an 80-character console window. The program employs a simple class definition to encapsulate the triangle and its methods. The default constructor builds the triangle using the top value and the number of rows supplied from the user-input, while the print function displays the triangle's values in a symmetric triangle formation. #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<vector> #include<string> #include<sstream> // Some typdefs to simplify coding. typedef unsigned int uint; typedef std::vector<uint> row; // Simple class definition. class pascal_triangle { public: pascal_triangle(uint top=1, uint rows=10); void print(); private: const uint get_width(); std::vector<row> m_triangle; }; // Default constructor: pascal_triangle::pascal_triangle(uint top, uint rows) { for(uint i=0;i<rows;++i) { row r; uint x=top; for(uint k=0;k<=i;++k) { r.push_back(x); x=x*(i-k)/(k+1); } m_triangle.push_back(r); } } // Return the width required for the largest value. const uint pascal_triangle::get_width() { // Reference the last row of the triangle. row& r=m_triangle[m_triangle.size()-1]; // Determine the largest value in that row. uint largest=0; for(uint i=0;i<r.size();++i) if(r[i]>largest) largest=r[i]; // Determine required width plus one space. uint width=1; do { largest/=10; ++width; } while( largest ); // Return an even width. return(width+width%2); } // Print the given triangle: void pascal_triangle::print() { // Call private method to determine width. const uint width=get_width(); // Repeat for each row... for(uint i=0;i<m_triangle.size();++i) { // Insert half-width padding spaces. std::cout<<std::setw((m_triangle.size()-i)*(width/2))<<' '; // Print the row values. row& r=m_triangle[i]; for(uint j=0;j<r.size();++j) std::cout<<std::setw(width)<<r[j]; std::cout<<std::endl; } std::cout<<std::endl; } // Print the given range: void print_range(const uint min,const uint max) { std::cout<<'['<<min<<".."<<max<<']'; } // Return a natural number in the given range from user input: uint enter_natural(const std::string& prompt,const uint min,const uint max) { uint result=0; while(!result) { std::cout<<'\n'<<prompt<<' '; print_range(min,max); std::cout<<": "; std::string in; std::getline(std::cin,in); std::stringstream(in)>>result; if(result<minresult>max ) { std::cout<<"The valid range is "; print_range(min,max); std::cout<<"\nPlease try again.\n"<<std::endl; result=0; } } std::cout<<std::endl; return(result); } int main() { std::cout<<"Pascal's Triangle\n"<<std::endl; uint top=enter_natural("Enter top value",1,10); uint rows=enter_natural("Enter number of rows",2,10); pascal_triangle t(top,rows); t.print(); return(0); }

What is the simple source code for matrix multiplication in c plus plus?

Matrix multiplication comes in many forms. In its simplest form, both matrices are the same size, and you simply multiply the corresponding elements in each matrix to produce a third matrix of the same size, known as the matrix product. The following code demonstrates this form only. Note that the code uses a vector of vectors to simulate a 2 dimensional array of unsigned int and encapsulates the array within a class. This allows you to not only generate dynamic arrays more easily, but also allows you to implement the matrix product as a multiplication operator overload. The code demonstrates generating a new matrix product array from two existing arrays (a3=a1*a2) as well as mutating an existing array into a matrix product from another array (a1 *= a2). However, the code will not handle arrays of different size or orientation. #include<iomanip> #include<iostream> #include<time.h> #include<vector> typedef unsigned int uint; typedef std::vector<uint> col_array; typedef std::vector<uint>::iterator col_it; typedef std::vector<col_array> row_array; typedef std::vector<col_array>::iterator row_it; class cArray { public: cArray(uint rows, uint cols):m_rows(rows),m_cols(cols){} cArray operator* (const cArray& rhs); cArray& operator*= (const cArray& rhs); void generate(); void print(); std::string name; private: uint m_rows; uint m_cols; row_array m_data; }; void cArray::generate() { m_data.clear(); for(uint r=0; r<m_rows; ++r) { col_array col; for(uint c=0; c<m_cols; ++c) col.push_back( rand()%10+1 ); m_data.push_back( col ); } } void cArray::print() { std::cout << "Array name: " << name.c_str() << "\n" << std::endl; for(uint r=0; r<m_rows; ++r) { for(uint c=0; c<m_cols; ++c) std::cout << std::setw(4) << m_data[r][c]; std::cout << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; } cArray cArray::operator* (const cArray& rhs) { cArray result(m_rows,m_cols); = name; += " * "; +=; for(uint r=0; r<m_rows; ++r) { col_array col; for(uint c=0; c<m_cols; ++c) col.push_back(m_data[r][c] * rhs.m_data[r][c]); result.m_data.push_back(col); } return( result ); } cArray& cArray::operator*= (const cArray& rhs) { for(uint r=0; r<m_rows; ++r) for(uint c=0; c<m_cols; ++c) m_data[r][c] *= rhs.m_data[r][c]; return( *this ); } int main() { srand((uint)time(NULL)); uint rows = (uint) rand()%9 + 2; uint cols = (uint) rand()%9 + 2; std::cout << "Rows = " << rows << "\n"; std::cout << "Cols = " << cols << "\n" << std::endl; cArray a1(rows, cols); cArray a2(rows, cols);"Left"; a1.generate(); a1.print();"Right"; a2.generate(); a2.print(); cArray a3 = a1 * a2; a3.print(); std::cout << "Compound assignment (" <<; std::cout << " *= " << << ")\n" << std::endl; a1 *= a2; a1.print(); return(0); }

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