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Q: What was used before the invention of Zero by Indians?
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What is before zero?

Well, India gave the world the term Zero...but its vry difficult to say..wat was used before there was not zero

What was used to cure smallpox before this invention?

nothing, people died

What was used before John Bird's invention the television?

an A.M radio

What measurement before the invention of measurement?

sign was used in place of measurement.

Before the invention of the plane people used to.?

before planes were invented people used boats to travel and pigeons as messengers

How were buffalo killed before Indians had horses?

before horses indians used spears and bow and arrows with skins to hide their scent

Were gas lights used often before electric lights?

Yes, gas & kerosene lamps were used exclusively before the invention of electricity.

What products or services were used before the vacuum was invented?

Broom, dustpan and brush, were the main tools used before the invention of the vacuum cleaner.

Why did ancient Indians use guns?

Guns are relatively modern invention, so were probably NOT used by "ancient" Indians. "Ancient" is a relative term unless placed in context. Also you need to specify what do you mean "ancient Indians" as in natives or the country India, or American native Indians?

Before the inovation of paper money?

Before paper money was the invention of dollar coins that they used for their own type of money

Why was the number zero invented and by whom was it invented?

the number zero is first used by Indians only not by any one else<br /><br /><br /><br /> The number zero was actually invented by the <i><b>Ancient Egyptians

How was paper accomplished before the invention?

well they wrote on rocks or they used animal skin for paper