

What will be THE age if A PERSON is born in the year 1986?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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In 2010 their age will be twenty-four years.

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Q: What will be THE age if A PERSON is born in the year 1986?
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What would your age be if you were born in 1986?

A person born in 1986 will turn 27 in 2013. Likewise, in 2014, a person born in 1986 turns 28.So, in 2014, if you were born in 1986 and you have not yet had your birthday this year, then you are 27. If you were born in 1986 and you have already had your birthday this year, then you are 28.

If you are born in 1988 how old are you now?

If you are born in 1988 you would be 24 in 2012. To find anyone's age, take the current year and subtract the year that the person was born in.

If a person is born in 1986 how old are they?

Calculated in 2010, the answer is 24 years of age.

What age would you been if you were born on 1986?

24 the current year of 2010

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The perfect age varies from person to person, regardless of what year they were born in. It will start when it is supposed to, and end when it it supposed to.

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The year they were born

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The year they were born

In math how do you find out the age of a person?

Subtract the year they were born from the current year.

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What year was you born in if im 26?

As today is 1st January 2010 and you are 26 years old you were born in the year 1983.

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Age Now = Year Now - Year of Birth (if the person has had their birthday this year, and one less if they have not).

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