A person born in 1986 will turn 27 in 2013. Likewise, in 2014, a person born in 1986 turns 28.
So, in 2014, if you were born in 1986 and you have not yet had your birthday this year, then you are 27. If you were born in 1986 and you have already had your birthday this year, then you are 28.
Well, if you were born in 1968, you would likely graduate high school in 1986. Simple math, darling. Just subtract your birth year from the usual graduation age of 18, and voilà! You're walking across that stage in '86, ready to take on the world.
you would be 23 years old!!!
Rouphly 1986
As of that date in 2013, you would be 27.
Calculated in 2010, the year of birth was 1986.
24 the current year of 2010
In 2004 the age will be eighteen years.
Robert Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986. That would make him about 23.
Retirement age for someone born in 1988
If you were born in 1986 you will turn 24 in 2010.
In 2010 their age will be twenty-four years.
If you are born in 1988 you would be 24 in 2012. To find anyone's age, take the current year and subtract the year that the person was born in.
depending on what month the person is born they would either be 24 or 25
Someone born in 1986 would celebrate their 26th birthday in 2012.
As of March 2012, someone born in August 1986 would be 25 years old.
age 23-born January 3 1986