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dont lose track of what decimal place(dp) u rounding off to
underline the place eg. round off 1.3333333333 to 5p
underline that 1

then now take note of the number behind it if its 5 or higher then add 1 to the underlined digit and dont write back the numbers behind the underlined digit in the answer; drop it. if it lower than 5 then just make then digit stay the same and drop the numbers behing it

so the ans to my eg would be 1.33334

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Q: What would you need to be careful of when rounding a repeating decimal?
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When 2 over 8 is a decimal is the decimal repeating or terminating?

2/8 can be reduced to 1/4, which you should know to be .25 in decimal form. Because the decimal "terminates" after the hundredths place, it is a terminating decimal. An example of a repeating decimal would be 1/3. This would come out to be .333333... (etc.) Most calculators will display something like 2/3 as .6666667 placing the 7 on their last available digit displayer as a means of rounding the repeating decimal.

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A repeating decimal is just a decimal that repeats. An example would be 6.575757... Repeating decimals are infinite.

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No, because repeating decimals never stop repeating, so it would be impossible to have a different number that does not repeat.

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A repeating decimal is represented by a horizontal line over the repeating part.So for example .3255555555..... would be __.3255and .33333333..... would be __.33

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Most decimals comprise an infinite number of digits: some are repeating and other non-terminating. If you did not round them, most people would still be writing out their first decimal number - and they would still be at it when they died!

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Rounding to two decimal places - it would be 5.50

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You would have to round the repeating decimal to the nearest fraction, which is 63/100. It would be 1 63/100. It is in simplest form.

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a decimal that never ends and keeps going on and on in that same order. Example: if 6 was a repeating decimal it would read: .666666666666666666 etc Example #2: if 52 was a repeating decimal it would read: 5252525252525252 etc

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Repeating decimal and decimal are both numerical representations. The question depends on which numbers.

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If you were rounding to one decimal place, then yes you would.

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