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It forms 2 45-45-90 triangles.

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Q: When a square is divided by a diagonal it forms what kind of trangle?
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How is the length of a diagonal of a square found?

As a square has right angles, the diagonal forms a right triangle with two of the sides of the square. Therefore use Pythagoras: diagonal² = side² + side² → diagonal² = 2side² → diagonal = side × √2 Therefore to find the length of the diagonal of a square, multiply the side length of a square by the square root of 2.

Which figure does a diagonal always form a angle bisector a rectangle a trapezoid a square or a quadrilateral?

A diagonal always forms an angle bisector in a square. In a rectangle, trapezoid, or any other quadrilateral, a diagonal does not always bisect the angles.

Why the diagonalof a square forms 45degrees?

because part ofthe definition of a square is that all four angles are 90 degrees. when you put a diagonal across a square you are cutting the square and the angles in half. and if you cut 90 degrees in half you get 45 degrees.

A diagonal forms two non-congruent triangles?

False. A diagonal of a parallelogram produces 2 congruent triangles

What is a quadrilateral with each diagonal forms 2 triangles?


What is the locus of points that are equidistant from the vertices of two opposite angles of the square?

The locus of the points equidistant from any two points is a straight line. In a square when the points are two opposite vertices this line will pass trough the other two vertices - extending the diagonal between those other two vertices outside the square.

What shape has a diagonal that forms 2 non congruent triangles?

A trapezoid.

Find the length of the diagonal of a rectangle whose length and width are 35cm and 12cm respectively?

Easiest thing to do here would be to draw a diagram and label the sides with their lengths and draw a line for the diagonal. You can see the diagonal forms part of a right-angled triangle, with its shorter lengths 35 cm and 12 cm. So using Pythagoras's Theorem, x2 = 352 + 122 = 1369 x = square root of 1369 = 37 cm.

How do you work out the diameter of a rectangle?

The diameter of a rectangle is the same as its diagonal (angle in a semicircle is a right angle). So the diagonal forms a right angled triangle with the diagonal as the hypotenuse and two sides of the rectangle (a length and a breadth) forming the legs of the triangle. If the lengths of the sides of the rectangle are known, a simple application of Pythagoras's theorem given the measure of the diagonal.

When building square column forms are opposite sides equal or adjacent sides equal?

Is this a trick question? Answer: All things being equal, they are all equal. ;) But seriously, if you are trying to figure the hypotenuse to check for squareness, simply measure each diagonal until they are equal and forget about Pythagoras. Then you are all square and equal, opposite and adjacent. Yehaw!

What is the diagonal length of a rectangle that is 80 inches long and 60 inches wide?

Because the diagonal would be the hypotenuse of a right triangle, its length is the square root of the sum of 802 square inches and 602 square inches, which is exactly 100 inches.A quicker and easier way to determine the length of the diagonal is to recognize right away that you are working with a 3-4-5 right triangle, one of the classic forms used a lot in education, especially appealing because the length of every side is a whole number. The one in this problem is scaled by a factor of 20, but if you recognize the 3 to 4 ratio between the sides or the 3 to 5 or 4 to 5 ratios between a side and the hypotenuse, your work becomes a lot easier.

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