

When can you use index numbers?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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When you are accessing an array's element.

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Q: When can you use index numbers?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of index numbers?

There are different types of index numbers, so the advantages and disadvantages would change depending on what type was used. However, in general, the main advantage is ease of use in finding a particular item on the index, the main disadvantage is that all items are treated equally, regardless of true value.

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Index form of 9765625 is 9.765625 × 106

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Here's a start umbers=[True]*5001 index=2 primes=[] while index<5000: multiplier=2 while index*multiplier <= 5000: Numbers[index*multiplier]=False multiplier+=1 index+=1 while Numbers[index]==False and index < 5000: index+=1 for x in range(0,5000): if Numbers[x]==True: primes.append(x) x+=1 print primes

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Index value is a phrase used to describe pairs of numbers that are arranged in a table. The purpose of this is so applications can match numbers.

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What are index numbers used for?

Identifying array-elements.

Use index in a sentence?

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