25^5=9765625 25x25=625 25^2 625x625=390625 25^4 390625x25=9765625 25^5
about 187,162 years
840 = 23 x 3 x 5 x 7
8890 in standard index form = 8.89 × 103
1024, 59049, 9765625 and so on. Prime numbers to the 10th power.
1024, 59049, 9765625 and so on. Prime numbers to the 10th power.
If: k5 = 9765625 Then: k = 25
360= 23 times 45
Writing Numbers in Index FormWe know that: So, we can write 8 as 23.Likewise, 27 can be written as 33and 125 can be written as 53.So far, we have considered numbers that have a group of the same factors. Sometimes, a number has more than one group of the same factors as shown in the following example.Example 20Write 200 in simplest index form.Solution:Key Termsimplest index form
"index" is the singular form - "indices" is the plural :)
25^5=9765625 25x25=625 25^2 625x625=390625 25^4 390625x25=9765625 25^5
23 x 33 = 216
about 187,162 years