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It is not clear why a dividend which is a fraction should result in a mixed number of any kind. In any case, being hopeful will not help you to get an answer.

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Q: When dividend fractions it is hopeful to change a mixed number?
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When dividig fractions what do you change a mixed number into?

You change them into improper or topheavy fractions.

What is the number you divided by called?

It is called the divisor. The number which is being divided is called the dividend. In the case of fractions it can also be the denominator in which caste the number being divided is the numerator.8/4=28 is the dividend or numerator.4 is the divisor or denominator.2 is the quotient

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you round it to the top number Fractions and ounces are not convertible.

What is the number your dividing called?

THe answer is dividend. THe answer is dividend.

What is dividend in math?

The dividend is the number being divided. In a fraction, the top number is the dividend and the bottom number is the divisor.

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In division, the number being divided is the dividend, the number by which it is divided is the divisor, and the result of division is called the quotient.In fractions, the numerator is the dividend and the denominator the divisor.

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In a division problem, the ___ is the number that "goes into" the dividend

What is the difference between a divisor and dividend?

Divisor: the number by which a dividend is divided Dividend: a number to be divided

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What a dividend?

A dividend is the number that is divided by the divisor

How can you change fraction into number?

You do nothing! All fractions are numbers.