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Q: When fractions have like denominators the larger the makes the fraction larger?
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Why do you need like denominators to add and subtract fractions?

Finding a common denominator makes it possible to add two fractions because it allows us to write each fraction as a multiple of a common (usually smaller) fraction. Subtracting fractions works the same way; find a common denominator so that the fractions involved are in the same terms.

Why do the denominators have to be the same for both fractions when adding and subtracting?

It makes it easier. So both of the fractions are proportional to each other.

How do you add similar fractions?

When the denominators are not the same, you need to multiply both top and bottom of the fractions until the denominators are the same. For instance, if we wanted to do 1/3 + 2/9, we would need to first multiply top and bottom of the first fraction by 3, which makes the question 3/9 + 2/9. Once the denominators are the same, the subtraction or addition can be completed as outlined in the first paragraph

Adding mixed numbers with unlike denominators?

First convert the mixed numbers into "top heavy (or "improper) fractions". Now multiply each of the improper fractions by each other - this makes the denominators the same. Now you can add both the fractions together (and cancel down if necessary).

How do you add fractions and subtract similar and dissimilar fractions?

If the fractions have the same denominator, you can add and subtract them by adding or subtracting the numerator. For instance 2/7 + 3/7 = 5/7 Or 7/9 - 2/9 = 5/9 When the denominators are not the same, you need to multiply both top and bottom of the fractions until the denominators are the same. For instance, if we wanted to do 1/3 + 2/9, we would need to first multiply top and bottom of the first fraction by 3, which makes the question 3/9 + 2/9. Once the denominators are the same, the subtraction or addition can be completed as outlined in the first paragraph.

What is the difference between rational numbers and fractional numbers?

A fraction is a ratio of two numbers. Fractions are typically ratios of integers (where the denominator is not zero), which makes them "rational." The root word of rational is ratio. You could have pi/2, or sqr(2)/2, both of which are fractions that are NOT rational.

What is 1 4 over 5 times 5 6 over 7?

Convert both fractions to improper fractions. That makes them easy to multiply (just multiply the numerators and the denominators).

Fractions What makes 0.12?

0.12 in fraction = 12/100 or 3/25

How do you subtract dissimilar fraction?

You make the denominators the same, by multiplying the fractions by the denominator of the other fraction. Then you can subtract them. For example, 4/5 - 7/8. Make the denominators the same by multiplying "4/5" by 8/8*, which gives 32/40. Multiply "7/8" by 5/5*, which gives 35/40. Denominators are now the same, so subtract: 32/40 - 35/40 = -3/40. * 8/8 and 5/5 are each equal to 1, so you aren't changing the value of the fraction. Sometimes it makes the calculation easier to find the lowest common denominator (LCD) first: 7/24 - 5/36 = ? The LCD is 72 ... it's the smallest number that both 24 and 36 go into evenly. 24x3 = 72, and 36x2 = 72, so: 7/24 x 3/3 - 5/36 x2/2 = 21/72 - 10/72 = 11/72.

When adding fractions do you change a mixed number to an improper fraction?

It is possible no to. But doing so makes it easier

How would you add two mixed numbers that contain unlike fractions?

you would convert the mixed numbers into fractions where the top number is greater than the bottom number, then multiply both the numerator and the denominator by a number that makes the denominators the same.

Where are composite numbers used in math?

Composite numbers are used to factorize a number into smaller. It makes calculation easy for the person.