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When all the vectors have the same direction.

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Q: When is the vector sum of two quatities equal in magnitude to the scalar sum?
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What is it called when a scalar and a vector are multiplied together?

When a scalar quantity(if it has positive magnitude) is multiplies by a vector quantity the product is another vector quantity with the magnitude as the product of two vectors and the direction and dimensions same as the multiplied vector quantity e.g. MOMENTUM

Is the magnitude of instantaneous velocity always equal to the instantaneous speed?

Because speed is the magnitude of the velocity vector. The velocity consists of the speed and the direction, and the whole thing can be embodied in a 3D vector. If you like the velocity is the magnitude (the speed), which is a scalar (just a real number), multiplied by a unit vector in the right direction.

What is the relation between magnitude of distance and displacement?

-- Distance is a scalar quantity, whereas displacement is a vector. -- Distance is the integral of magnitude of displacement. -- Magnitude of displacement is always less than or equal to distance. -- The two quantities are equal when the motion is in a straight line.

How the magnitude of vector is equal to 1?

If the sum of the squares of the vector's components is ' 1 ',then the vector's magnitude is ' 1 '.

How can the resultant of two vecters of the same magnitude be equal to the magnitude of either vector?

If the directions of two vectors with equal magnitudes differ by 120 degrees, then the magnitude of their sum is equal to the magnitude of either vector.

When is the vector sum not equal in magnitude to the algebraic sum?

The magnitude of the vector sum will only equal the magnitude of algebraic sum, when the vectors are pointing in the same direction.

When does distance traveled equal the magnitude of displacement vector?

Distance traveled is equal to the magnitude of the displacement vector when the motion is in a straight line.

Can a unit vector have any components with magnitude greater than unity?

No, by definiton, a unit vector is a vector with a magnitude equal to unity.

What is vector and scalar quantities?

A vector quantity is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. Velocity, acceleration, and force are examples of vector quantities.A scalar quantity is a quantity that has magnitude, but no direction. Time, mass, volume, and speed are examples of scalar quantities.

Why vector divided by scalar is equal to vector?

It helps to understand division as the opposite of multiplication. In this case, v / s = x; a vector divided by a scalar is something unknown. Turn this around, into a multiplication: x times s = v. In other words: What must I multiply by a scalar to get a vector?

What does a vector equal?

Any other vector with with the same magnitude and the same direction.

Define the angle of the equilibrant vector?

vector equal in magnitude and opposite direction