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There is no information that shows any relationship with time. Since acceleration is a variable related to time, it is impossible to answer the question.

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Q: When radius and height and distance is given how to find magnitude of centripetal acceleration?
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What is the centripetal acceleration of a stone with a radius of 0.75 meters and a height of 1.5 meters and travels a horizontal distance of 4 meters?

I don't think you have enough information. Here are two formulae to calculate centripetal acceleration: a = v2 / r a = omega2 x r (omega is the angular speed, in radians per second) Basically, apart from the radius you also need to know (or have enough information to calculate) the speed (or equivalently, the angular speed).

What is A ball is dropped from 5 m height What is its acceleration when it is at a height of 2.5 m?

Its acceleration is always the same - the acceleration of gravity at 32 ft/sec/sec - no matter what distance it is during drop, until it hits the ground.

What experiments can you do with acceleration?

You can drop an object from a certain height and time it to see how fast it goes. Make sure that you find the distance of the height from where you dropped it so that you can find out the speed by dividing the time by the distance.

How do you calculate the height an object reaches using only time and acceleration g?

Assuming (a) an initial velocity of zero, and (b) constant acceleration, the formula becomes: distance = 0.5 at2 (distance = 1/2 times acceleration times time squared).

Is height a vector?

yes height is a magnitude. therefore it is a vector

What type of measurement is this 12 feet up is it vector or scalar?

The measurement of 12 feet up is a scalar measurement. Scalars have magnitude but no direction. In this case, the magnitude is 12 feet, indicating the distance or height, but there is no direction specified.

What height beyond the earth surface the gravitational force of earth is inactive?

There is no distance from Earth where the force of gravitational attraction toward it is 'inactive'.The formula for the forces of gravity gives the magnitude of the force at any distance.Note: Any distance.

How does height affect distance?

Height does not affect distance.

Can you include height as an example of a vector?

technically yes as height has the direction of upwards. and has magnitude.

Which factors must be known to calculate an object's gravitational potential energy?

To calculate an object's gravitational potential energy, the following factors must be known: Mass of the object: The gravitational potential energy of an object depends on its mass. The greater the mass of the object, the greater the gravitational potential energy. Height or distance: The gravitational potential energy of an object also depends on its height or distance from the reference point. The greater the height or distance of the object from the reference point, the greater the gravitational potential energy. Acceleration due to gravity: The gravitational potential energy of an object also depends on the acceleration due to gravity at the location of the object. The acceleration due to gravity is a constant value on the surface of the Earth, approximately equal to 9.8 meters per second squared. The formula for gravitational potential energy is: PE = mgh Where PE is the gravitational potential energy, m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height or distance of the object from the reference point.

Can acceleration due to gravity vary with respect to height?

No, acceleration due to gravity is a constant at 9.81ms-2. It cannot be influenced by other factors such as height.

How do I work out a vertical height when it gives me kg and kJ of Ep and Gravity?

Ep (joules) = mass * acceleration due to gravity * height So: height = Ep / (mass * acceleration due to gravity)