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You shouldn't use the mean in a data set when there's an outlier in the data set. If an outlier is present it will drag the mean either up or down, making the average seem higher or lower than it really is, therefore making it unreliable. HOWEVER:
If you WANT to make the average of the data appear higher or lower (like if you're trying to convince your parents/boss to give you a raise in allowance/salary, and you show them the average income of your peers compared to your average income, you would want your income to appear much less compared to the others), then you should use the mean with as many outliers as possible in order to drag the average up or down.

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Q: When should you not use the mean in a data set?
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It is misleading to use the mean as a descriptor of a data set when the median or mode would be more representative of the data set as a whole.

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mean is the average of numbers in the data set mode is the most frequently occurring value in a data set and median is the middle number of the data set so you would use mean

Can you use the mean to answer a statistical question explain?

You can use the mean to answer some statistical questions: it is a measure of the central tendency of a set of data. However, it is no good in identifying the maximum value of a set of data, for example.

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Some formulas statisticians may use are population mean, sample mean, variance, and standard deviation. They may also use linear regression line and standard error equations. Another can be the mean value of a data set, where one adds all data points given in a set and divides this number by the number of data points in the set.

How do you do trimmed mean on Microsoft Excel?

You use the TRIMMEAN function. It calculates the mean taken by leaving out a percentage of data points from the top and bottom of your set of data. You can use this function when you wish to exclude outlying data from your analysis.

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You would use the median if the data were very skewed, with extreme values.

Explain how you find the mean of a set of data?

To answer this question I will use an example. Data set: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. First find the sum of all the 10+20+30+40+50= 150. Then you take the sum (150) and divide it by the number of numbers in the data set. So 150 divided by 5 (the number of numbers in this data set) = 30. 30= the mean of the above data set. Finding the mean is pretty simple. :)

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No.The empirical rule is a good estimate of the spread of the data given the mean and standard deviation of a data set that follows the normal distribution.If you you have a data set with 10 values, perhaps all 10 the same, you clearly cannot use the empirical rule.

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What are the advantages of arithmetic mean?

It is easy to use in further analysis calculation can be done easily using arithmetic mean is unique value for each data set