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Revolution Per Minute was created on 2011-06-28.

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Q: When was Revolution Per Minute created?
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Related questions

When was One Revolution Per Minute created?

One Revolution Per Minute was created in 2002.

How do you convert revolution per minute to revolution per second?

Divide the RPM by 60.

How do you convert radian to revolution per minute?

"Radian" is a distance. "Revolution per minute" is a speed. Those two units measure different quantities, and they don't convert into each other. It'll help to know that 1 revolution is (2 pi) radians. So "one revolution per minute" is "2 pi radians per minute", etc.

How RPM is calculated?

Revolution per minute

What is revolution in RPM?

R.P.M. stands for Revolutions Per Minute

What is RPM give you details in Malayalam?

Revolution Per Minute (total number of revolvings in one minute)

A car engine turns 900 revolution per minute while idling.How many revolutions does a car engine turn in one second while idling?

15 revolution per second 900/60=15 60 seconds in a minute divide by 60 to get number of revolution per second

Can revolution per minute convert to liters per minute?

Not in any sensible way. RPM is a measure of (angular) velocity whereas litres per minute is a rate of flow. Your hard disk will have an rpm but what does litres per miute mean in terms of the disk?

What is the RPM of earth's revolution?

.0006 revolutions per minute. Or 1/1440 RPM.

What does car speed at 1000rpm means?

Revolutions per minute is the # of times an engine makes a complete 360 revolution in one minute.

How long does it take to complete a revolution?

If the system is revolving at 60 per minute, the answer is one per second. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you mean a revolution, as in a war? Or do you mean as in spinning around something?

How many revolutions per hour does the minute hand move on big ben clock?

The minute hand of any analog clock moves 1 revolution per hour. (60 minutes to an hour) The second hand makes 60 revolutions an hour. (Each tick represents one second, one revolution per minute, equals 60 revolutions an hour.)