

When would you find the area of a triangle?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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It depends on what information you have: length of base and height, two sides and the included angle, three sides. There are solutions for other combinations as well. You need to be more precise when asking your question.

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Q: When would you find the area of a triangle?
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If you are only given the side lengths of a scalene triangle, it is impossible for you to find for the area, unless you are given more information... like the height of the triangle for example. If this is a right triangle you would like to find the area of, you can multiply the length of each leg with each other, and then divide that product by 2 to conclude the area of the triangle.

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To find the area of a triangle, you have to multiply the base of the triangle and the height of the triangle, then divide the product of those numbers by two.

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first you would find the base (the bottom of the triangle ). Then you would need to find the length of the triangle (measure the top of the triangle all the way to the top point to the bottom of the triangle) then times the two number than divide the answer times 2 and you should get your answer

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Same as you would find the area of any triangle A = (1/2)[base][height]

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Divide the area by half the base.

Do you have to miltiply to find the area of a triangle?

In order to find the area of a triangle, you need to multiply the base of the triangle with the height of the triangle and then halve your final answer.The formula is (Base x Height) / 2Using that, the area of a triangle can be found.Hope that helps.Jamz159

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What are the rules used to find the area of a triangle?

To find the area of a triangle you - Half the base then times it by the height ! Alisha xx

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you split your shape in half, (The rectangle and the triangle), by putting a line through it and then calculate the area of the rectangle and then calculate the area of the triangle, half the area of the triangle then add the area of the triangle and the rectangle together!Then you should have your answer!

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it must be a right triangle.

How do you find the area of each face on an equilateral triangle?

Area of an equlateral triangle = 0.5*side2*sin(60)