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Q: When you bisect an angle do you divide it into a half or into thirds?
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Does a bisector cut an angle in half?

To bisect an angle is to divide the angle in half.

Divides an angle into two equal parts?

if u divide it into 2 equal parts its a half

What is a bisecting line?

To bisect is to cut or divide into halves. A bisecting line would then be a line that divides another line in half or a line that divides an angle in half.

What does it mean for diagonals to bisect each other?

to bisect an angle means to cut it in half

What is bisect?

A bisect splits something completely in half whether it is an angle, a line, or whatever

What part of speech is the word bisect?

That is the correct spelling of "bisect" (to divide equally in half, as in geometry).

What does bisect mean in maths terms?

Bisect means to seperate or split something into equal parts , like an angle bisector splits an angle exactly in half

To divide into two parts?

To halve or to bisect, e.g bisect the frog in half. Bi meaning two and sect meaning cut

What kind of angle is formed when an angle is bisected?

If you bisect an angle, you are dividing it in half, thereby producing two smaller, but equal angles.

If you bisect an obtuse angle you get 2 obtuse angles Right?

No. The biggest possible obtuse angle is one that's a hair less than 180 degrees. Bisect that, and each half is the biggest possible ACUTE angle.

What is a biesct?

To bisect something. Bi (think Bicycle)- how many wheels? - 2. Sect (think Section) - pieces To bisect something means to cut it into 2 pieces, namely, in half. You usually hear the word bisect in geometry class when dealing with angles. For example: What is the measure of the angles when a 90 degree angle has been bisected? This means, cut 90 degrees in half (divide by 2). Each new angle formed will be 90/2 or 45 degrees.

What bi word means cut into two parts?

To bisect to divide something into two equal parts.Ex. I bisected my cookie and gave half to my sister.