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Perimeter is the length around the object, so it is a linear quantity. For n sided figures, you add the lengths of the n sides. Multiplication would give you units of area.

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Q: When you find perimeter do you multiply the sides or add the sides?
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Do you add or multiply to find the perimeter?

The perimeter is the length around something, add all sides together to get the length of the perimeter.

Is it add or multiply to find the perimeter?

You add the lengths of all sides of the shape.

What are the formulas for area and perimeter?

to find the perimeter you must add all sides. and to find area you have to multiply lenght and width

How do you find the perimeter and area and formula on a rectangle?

for area you multiply length times width and for perimeter you add all of the sides together

How do you find the perimeter of a heptagon?

You add the lengths of all the sides. If the sides happen to be of equal length, you multiply this length by 7.

Do you add or multiply for area?

You have to multiply to find area you have to add to find perimiter

For perimeter of a polygon do you times the sides?

For the perimeter of a polygon you add the sides to find the total distance around the shape. For area, you multiply using the various formulas for different polygons.

How do you find perimeter and area of triangles?

Perimeter . . . add up the lengths of all three sides. Area . . . multiply (half the length of the base) by (the height).

What is the different between the perimeter and the area of a polygon?

Area you multiply 2 sides and perimeter you add all the sides together.

How do you find the area and perimeter of a trapezoid?

you just take the length of it's midsegment and multiply it by its height to find area. to find it's perimeter, just add the measures of it's sides

How to find the perimeter and area of a rectangle?

To find the perimeter you add and to find the area we multiply.

Do you add all of the sides that are given for perimeter?

Yes. For example, to find the perimeter of a square, add the length of the four sides.