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A set is infinite if it has infinitely many elements in it.

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Q: When you have to say that a give sets is infinite and empty-set?
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How do you use infinite in a sentences?

you can say i am infinite because of christ. you could say, there are an infinite amount of possibilities. you could say: my daughter your beauty and passion is most definitely infinite, and i will always love you infinitely

Is it more correct to say that a Black Hole has infinite mass or infinite gravity?

A black hole has infinite density.

How do you say infinite in latin?

infinitus, immensus

Is the intersection of two infinite intervals always infinite?

No. Say for example interval A is (-inf, 0), and interval B is (0, inf). Even though they are both infinite, their intersection is the empty set (i.e. they have nothing in common). The same applies to sets. That being said, it is entirely possible for two infinite intervals' intersection to be infinite. All that is required is that one is a subset of the other (one set contains all of the other set, for example A = (0, inf) and B = (1, inf). Here, A contains all of B, and therefore, their intersection is B. This means that their intersection is infinite.)

How many numbers are in the exact infinite?

The number infinite is a number but it never ends. If you say you have infinite friends on Myspace, then your sort of saying you have unlimited friends on Myspace.

Questions starting with What would you say?

What would you say if/about-the rest is nearly infinite.

Is infinite intelliigene god?

A being of infinite intelligence may be considered "God" to some individuals. It is impossible to say what infinite intelligence could mean, or be represented by as a finite brain cannot fathom the infinite.

How do you say infinite in french?

in-feen-ee infinit

How do you say sets in spanish?


What is the difference between zero slope and infinite slope?

Zero is when its a straight horizontal line It its going neither up or down Infinite is when its a straight vertical line You could say its positive or negative and it will forever going up or down You couldn't give it a slope number

Is the infinite launcher and Chicago typewriter the only things you can make infinite?

Please say which video game in you're question.

When the sun comes down over the horizon we say it?

We say that it sets.