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Q: When you multiply 2 odd numbers then can you get a ans of 2?
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What is the result of product of even numbers and odd numbers?

If you multiply one even number by one odd number, the result is always even. In general, if you multiply several numbers, and at least one of the numbers is even, the product is always even. This is because "even" means "multiple of 2", and if one of the factors contains a 2 as a factor, so will the product.

Is the set of odd numbers closed under multiplication?

Yes.To say a set is closed under multiplication means that if you multiply any 2 numbers in the set, the answer will always be a member of the set. When you multiply 2 odd numbers, the answer is always an odd number, so the set is closed.It must be the same person asking these questions!Read more: Is_the_set_of_odd_integers_closed_under_subtraction

Can the ones digit in the odd numbers be even?

Nope. 2 or more digit odd numbers one digit are only 1,3,5,7, and 9, NOT 2,4,6,8,0 . the ten digits ans hundreds and up can have even numbers like 43, or 4423.

Does all of the multiples of 7 have 2 as a factor too?

For 2 to be a factor, the number has to be even. If you multiply two odd numbers together, you get an odd number. 7 is odd, so if I multiply it by any odd number, I will get a number that doesn't have 2 as a factor (e.g. 7x5=35 which doesn't have 2 as a factor). Thus, the answer to the question is "no," not all multiples of 7 have 2 as a factor.

If you have two numbers the same how do you calculate the yield?

if you speak of %yield meaning experimential yield over theorietical yield then divide the 2 numbers and multiply by 100 give you the ans

When you multiply two prime numbers you always get an odd number?

For 'odd' prime numbers this is true, but '2' is also a prime number , so you will have an even answer. Remember when multiplying even X even = even even X odd = even odd X even = even odd x odd = odd.

Differentiate odd number from even number?

Even numbers are definitely divisible by 2, odd numbers aren't ----------------- even numbers are the numbers that can be divided by 2 while the odd numbers are the numbers that cannot be divided by 2.

Probability of getting an even product when rolled 2 dice?

I'm assuming you multiply the numbers rolled. Thus the rules of even and odd numbers come into play. The only way to get an odd product is to roll two odd numbers. The probability desired is 1 minus the probability of rolling two odd numbers. The odds of rolling an odd number is 1/2. Since the rolls are independent events, the odds of rolling two odd numbers is (1/2)2 = 1/4 So the probability of getting an even product is: 1 - 1/4 = 3/4

What is odd x odd?

An odd number times an odd number is an odd number no matter which 2 odds you multiply.

What is odd numbers and even numbers?

The number divisible by 2 is even & which is not is odd

Is a Conjecture is false all prime numbers are odd?

All prime numbers are not odd. 2 is a prime, 2 is not odd.

When all the prime factors are odd the number is odd?

odd and prime are two different things ,but odd numbers can be prime or composite just depends if you can multiply it with another number except 1 here's an example 7 ( 7 is odd and is prime because it has 2 factors "7 & 1" 15 is odd ,but not prime because 5x3 is 15 and 15x1 is 15 5 and 3 are factors of 15 so all odd numbers are not prime all even numbers are composite except the number 2.