In whole numbers, a decimal follows the number. Example, in the number 7, the decimal is after it, 7.0
The decimal is not visible, but it is there.
I am looking for your decimal point. The decimal point is in the wrong spot.
Please clarify on the basis of what information you want to find the decimal point.
I am looking for your decimal point. The decimal is in the wrong spot.
move the decimal point two spaces to the right. OR you could find an online converterTnT
It is a requirement to find a decimal representation which has only a finite number of digits after the decimal point.
Yes it could.
You do absolutely NOTHING. You could, if you really wanted to, add a decimal point after the number but that is IT!
A decimal point is the actual point. A decimal is the number that has a decimal point in it. For example; 28429.018
Consider the numbers A and B where A has m digits after the decimal point and B has n digits.Then find the multiple A'*B' where A' is A without its decimal point, and B' is B without its decimal point.In that answer insert the decimal point so that there are (m+n) digits after the decimal point.
The third digit to the left of the decimal point is the hundreds place.
To convert a percent to a decimal, express the percent as a decimal then move the decimal point to the left two places:0.23% = 0.0023