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easiest way go in to your paint programm Better way Autocad

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Q: Where do you find a place to draw a plane figure?
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How do find the area of a plane figure?

Area of plane figure

How do you find a volume of a L-Shaped figure?

An L shaped figure is a plane figure and so will not have a volume.

How do you find volume of right triangle?

A right angle is a plane figure and cannot have a volume.

Directions on how to draw a pie for an project?

To draw a pie figure for an assigment I say use a compass from a math set. Hope you find this helpfull!

How do you plot points of the Cartesian plane?

Given a point, let's say (1,4) that you want to plot on the cartesian plane, find 1 on the x axis and 4 on the y axis. Now, draw lines up from the 1 and across from the 4. The place these two lines meet is the point (1,4). After you do it a few times, you will draw the lines in your head and not on paper.

Is a triangle a plane figure?

well yes, obviously. A triangle constitutes of three points, and you can always find a plane that traverses those three points.

Can you find an area of a 3D figure?

Yes, if it is bound by plane figures, just add the area of each plane figure. If it has a curved surface, divide it into many small pieces, to approximate the area with small rectangles or triangles, then add them up.

How do you find seaplane in gta vice city?

You can find sea plane at only one place n the city.You need to go to the Film Studio Backside for the Plane.

What is the formula to find volume of a trapezoid?

The trapezoid is a plane figure which has surface Area, but no volume but if there was a 3d figure your equation would be. The Surface Area of a trapezoid = ½(b1+b2) x h X Height of figure.

How do you find the perimeter of a plane figure?

If the figure is a polygon ... with sides made of straight line segments ... then the perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all the sides. If part or all of the figure's boundary consists of curves, the perimeter is still the distance all around the figure, but you may need special formulas to find the lengths of the curved sections.

Where can I find a good deal on a Caribbean honeymoon?

Travelocity is a great place to find a good deal on a Caribbean honeymoon. It is also a great place to find plane tickets to other countries.

How do you draw human figure?

as with drawing anything, best way is to learn to draw what your eyes see and not what your brain tries to tell your it sees - your brain works by having you draw from past memories or preconceptions of what something "should" look like rather than what you actually see - the book "drawing on the right side of the brain" teaches you how to draw naturally what you really see - once you master this you can draw anything no matter how complex and you will find the human figure is no more difficult to draw than anything else