The surface area of a space figure is the total area of all the faces of the figure
all of you suck
my idea is that to find the area of a 2 dimensional figure you have to multiply length *width which equal the area except a triangle and some other figure
Work out each figure separately then add them together: Area of a trapezoid = 0.5*(sum of parallel bases)*height Area of a rectangle = length*height
NO!!! A heptagon is a plane seven(Hepta) sided figure. It only exists in 2-dimensions.
Yes, if it is bound by plane figures, just add the area of each plane figure. If it has a curved surface, divide it into many small pieces, to approximate the area with small rectangles or triangles, then add them up.
You find the surface area of each individual face - whether plane or curved - and then sum all those areas together.
The trapezoid is a plane figure which has surface Area, but no volume but if there was a 3d figure your equation would be. The Surface Area of a trapezoid = ½(b1+b2) x h X Height of figure.
It is its area.
It area.
That is called the area.
An L shaped figure is a plane figure and so will not have a volume.
The remaining figure is the are of polygons that bounded by three dimensional figure .
A polygon is a plane figure which comprises one area bounded by three or more straight line segments. A general plane figure can have curved boundaries or sides that cross each other.
You need to find the area of each two dimensional surface on the figure. Do you have a specific figure in mind?
The surface area of a space figure is the total area of all the faces of the figure