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The decimal point, if required, goes after 60 million. That is, after the seventh zero.

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Q: Where does decimal point go in 3000000 times 20.00?
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Multiply 6 by 2000, then - since the factors have one decimal digit - separate the last digit in the result with a decimal point.

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How do you write two thousand as a decimal?

2000, as you might expect. A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. Adding zeros after the decimal point is wrong because they imply a degree of accuracy (significant figures) for which there is no justification.

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the answer is 6/2000, which as a decimal is 0.003

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516 + 2000 = 2516. It is an integer so there is no need for a decimal point.

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It is: 2000/127817277 times 100 = 0.002% rounded to three decimal places

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2.4 grams = .024 centigrams = .0024 miligrams Move the decimal point over three times to the left when going from grams/meters to miligrams/milimeters.

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10% of $2000 is $200. To find 10% of any number just move the decimal point one place to the left.

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Put a decimal point after the two digit number and add zeros after the decimal point. Then you can divide just as you always would, with the answer being less than one. For example, to divide 40 by 2000, put the decimal point after 40 and add zeros, like this: 40.00 Now divide as if it were 4000 divided by 2000, which equals 2, except that the 2 will go after the 0.0, to make 0.02

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What number is 5 percent of 2000?

For 10%, just move the decimal point one point to the left or from 2000.0 to 200.00. Then for 5%, take half of 10%, or 100.0.

What is 349 over 2000 as a decimal?

Expressed as a decimal fraction, 349/2000 = 0.1745.