4 and 5 5 and 6 Any consecutive integers greater than one.
Just 3 + 3
4 and 5 5 and 6 6 and 7
2 5 6
solution: we know that there are 25 prime numbers are between 1-100 and 168 prime numbers less than 1000. 100 x 100=10000(5 digits) 999 x 999=998001(6 digits) 1000 x 1000=1000000(7 digits) so our answer should be same as the number of prime numbers between 100 to 999. hence, 168-25=143. 143 prime numbers will be there less than 1000 whose square has 5 or 6 digits.
10 does not have 6 prime numbers.
Any two numbers that have the same "base number", but opposing signs, such as: 5 and -5 -7 and 7 100 and -100
47 + 3 = 50, 43 + 7 = 50, 37 + 13 = 50, and 31 + 19 = 50. 4 pairs of prime numbers have a sum of 50. 53 + 7 = 60, 47 + 13 = 60, 43 + 17 = 60, 41 + 19 = 60, 37 + 23 = 60, and 31 + 29 = 60. 6 pairs of prime numbers have a sum of 60.
It means write down three pairs of numbers that are relatively prime like 4 and 9, 5 and 6, 13 and 25
Prime Numbers under 6 are 2,3,5
1 is special 2 prime 3 prime 4 composite 5 prime 6 composite 7 prime 8 composite 9 composite 10 composite 11 prime 12 composite ext.