121, 169, 289
(4,9) (5,11) (25,36)
no three is not a prime number
The three consecutive odd prime numbers are 3, 5, and 7.
They are relatively prime.
It means write down three pairs of numbers that are relatively prime like 4 and 9, 5 and 6, 13 and 25
The GCF of two prime numbers is 1. 4, 9 and 25 are relatively prime.
Two of the three pairs are not but the triad is.
There are three pairs.
121, 169, 289
(4,9) (5,11) (25,36)
2 and 3 2 and 5 2 and 11
In order to be relatively prime to 12, it can't have the factors 2 or 3. Let's try 5^2 x 7^2 x 11. 13475 has three prime factors, 18 divisors, and is relatively prime to 12.
Yes, they are relatively prime.