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Int(number) removes it

Round(number,0) rounds the decimal fraction to the nearest whole number.

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Q: Which function removes a decimal part of a number on excel?
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Which is the ROUND function argument specifies the number of decimal places to round to?

In Excel, the second argument of the Round function specifies the number of decimal places to round to. If this number is negative, it rounds to corresponding digits before the decimal point.

What is the function for rounding off numbers?

In Excel, the function is Round(number, num_digits) wherenumber is the number that you want to round,andnum_digits is the number of digits after the decimal point that you want.If num_digits < 0 then the number is rounded to that many digits to the left of the decimal point.

How do I add round to a formula in Excel to show no decimal places in Excel?

There is a function called ROUND which you can use to round to zero decimal places. If your number was in cell A2, the formula would be:=ROUND(A2,0)

How do you truncate a number in Excel?

Use the TRUNC function. You can specify the value and the amount of decimal places you want. =TRUNC(A2,1)

How does the trig function ACOS work in Excel?

In Excel, the ACos function returns the arccosine (in radians) of a number.The syntax for the ACos function is:ACos( number )number is a number between -1 and 1. It is the cosine of the angle that you wish to find.Applies To:Excel 2007, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2000

How do you convert character to decimal integer?

In Excel it is the "code" function. For example, Code("A") = 65

What can a decrease decimal tool do in excel?

It reduces the number of digits after the decimal point in the display, rounding the number as appropriate.

What Excel function sums values and then divides by the number of values?

The AVERAGE function.

What is a function to find the number of values in cells?

In Excel is it COUNT.

What does the MONTH function do in Excel?

It gives you the number of the month from a date.

In Excel a number can contain what characters?

In Excel, a number can contain be characters

What is decrease decimal ms excel?

It is a way to round the number(s) so that fewer digits after the decimal point are displayed.