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It is the identity property of 1.

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Q: Which multiplication propety says that the product of number and one is that number?
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What property says that the product of any number and 1 is the number?

The Identity property of multiplication

Which multiplication property says that the product of any number and one is that number?

Identity Property

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Which property of polynomial multiplication says that the product of two polynomials is always a polynomial?

That property is called CLOSURE.

The product of 4 times a number and 6?

Product means multiplication. Therefore you simply multiply these numbers. 4 x number x 6 In algebra you will learn the when something in a sentence says "a number" you can substitute a variable in for that number. a variable is any thing you would like to represent that number. you can do this 4 x Q x 6 Now you have to multiply throughout... 4x6xQ = 24xQ = 24Q

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Power of a number can be evaluated using repeated multiplication of the number by itself. For example, 5 to the third power can be evaluated using multiplication of 5 by itself for three times as shown below. 53 = 5 x 5 x 5 The power or exponent of a number says how many times a number has to be multiplied repeatedly by itself.

What property says that you can multiply the addends of a sum by a number and then add the products?

The distributive property of multiplication over addition.

What is recprocal property of multiplication in fractions?

The reciprocal property of multiplication says that (a/b) times (b/a) equals 1.

What property that says you can change the groups in addition and multiplication?


What is an example of a identity property of multiplication?

The identity property of multiplication, also called the multiplication property of one says that a number does not change when that number is multiplied by 1.Examples3 × 1 = 310 × 1 = 106 × 1 = 668 × 1 = 681 × 4 = 41 × -9 = - 9x × 1 = x(a + b) × 1 = a + b

What is the exponents of 10 x 10?

10 x 10= (102 or squared of 10) The exponent of a number says how many times to use the number in a multiplication. So, therefore the answer is 2.

What property says that multiplying a sum by a number is the same as multiplying each addend by the number and then adding the product?

Distributive property