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The Identity property of multiplication

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Q: What property says that the product of any number and 1 is the number?
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Which multiplication property says that the product of any number and one is that number?

Identity Property

What is the property that states that the product of 1 and any number is that number?

Identity Property

What property states that the product of any number and 1 is that number?

Identity Property of one

Which multiplacation property says that the prouduct of any number and one is that number?

Identity Property

What Property of Multiplication states that the product of 1 and any number is that number?

The property that 1 is the multiplicative identity.

What is the product of any number and one?

It's that number and I think it's the identity property

Which property states that when 1 is multiplied by any number the product is the number itself?


What is the definition of reflexive property of equality?

The reflexive property simply says that A=A, in other words, any number is equal to itself.

Definition of multiplication property of 1?

When a number is multiplied by 1 the product is the number. That's the identity property of multiplication meaning any number multiplied by one will stay the same.

What tool of algebra is it when any number is multiplied by zero and the product is zero?

Zero Property of Multiplication

What does identity property mean in im math for multipication?

An example of the identity property is: 8 x 1 = 8. Any number that is multiplied by a number to product itself is known as identity property.

What is the property of 3 x 0 equals 0?

It is called the zero property which says that any number into zero gives zero.