

Which one is more fraction or negative number?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Unless the fraction is negative, the fraction is

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Q: Which one is more fraction or negative number?
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Is a fraction greater than a negative number?

A negative and a fraction are both less than one. A fraction is a negative. When you order fractions and negatives greatest to least just put the negative first.

Is negative 9 and one half a rational number?

Yes it is. It can be written as a fraction.

How is zero an integer?

Zero fits into the sequence of integers; it is exactly one less than the number one, and it is exactly one more than the number negative one. It is also an integer because it is not a fraction.

Is negative one half an irrational number?

No because -1/2 is a rational number expressed as a fraction

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only if the positive fraction is "larger" than the negative one.

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What is the difference between a positive and negative fraction?

If you mean the difference in terms of numerical value, then it is the positive faction minus the negative faction, which is calculated as the positive fraction plus the absolute value* of the negative fraction - just like the difference between a positive and negative number. * The absolute value of a number is the value of the number ignoring any minus sign; eg abs(-4) = 4 = abs(4). If you mean the difference in terms of where they are on the number line, then the positive fraction is one side of zero (it is greater than zero) and the negative fraction is the other side of zero (it is less than zero).

Is 10 a negative number?

Yes. A rational number can be written as a fraction. All integers can be written as themselves over one--as fractions.

Why is negative 8 a rational number?

Any whole number can be written as a fraction, with the whole number in the numerator, and the number one in the denominator. Compare this to the definition of "rational number".

How do you change 18 over 25 to a mixed fraction?

You don't. That number is less than one. A mixed fraction, by definition, is a number greater than one. More precisely, a mixed fraction is one way of writing such a number.

Is -0.25 an example of a rational number?

Yes - expressed as a fraction it is equal to -1/4 or negative one quarter.

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