Any whole number can be written as a fraction, with the whole number in the numerator, and the number one in the denominator. Compare this to the definition of "rational number".
Yes, it is.
8 is an integer as is -8, all integers are rational.
rational number.
No. The additive inverse of zero or a negative rational number is not negative.
The square of a negative number is always positive. The square of -8 = 64, a rational number
Yes, it is.
Negative 8, which can also be written as -8, is a irrational l number. How? Irrational numbers are numbers that are not rational, and -8 is not rational.
Some kinds are:an integer, a negative integera rational number, a negative rational number,a real number, a negative real number,In the following cases add the "negative"an even numbera perfect cube
8 is an integer as is -8, all integers are rational.
It is a negative number. It is also a rational number; also, it's a real number.
It is the positive value of that rational number.
No, -5 is a negative, rational number.
Any rational positive number is still rational when you make the same number negative.