

Which polygon must have four equal angles?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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A square or a rectangle both have 4 equal interior angles of 90 degrees

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Q: Which polygon must have four equal angles?
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Can a regular polygon have equal sides and equal angles?

Not only can a regular polygon have equal angles and sides, it must have them.

Can a regular polygon have equal side lengths but not have equal angles?

No, for a polygon to be regular it must have equal side lengths and angles.

What does a rectangle must equal?

A rectangle is a four sided polygon with four right angles and two pairs of parallel side. [Equal sides is not required since it is implied by parallel and right angles].

What does regular and irregular mean?

A regular polygon (a closed plane figure of straight lines) has all equal angles and all equal side lengths. For example, a square is a regular quadrilateral, because it's four edges are all the same length, and it's angles are all equal (90 degrees). A regular triangle is an equilateral triangle.An irregular polygon does not have equal sides and angles. N.B to be regular, a polygon must have both equal sides and equal angles. If a polygon has equal sides but unequal angles it is not a regular polygon.

A regular polygon must have equal side lenghts and equal angles?


What is a four-sided polygon with four congruent sides and acute angles?

A rhombus has 4 equal sides, 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles. If you are looking for a polygon with 4 equal sides and ALL acute angles, that can't exist. An acute angle is an angle of less than 90 degrees, so four of them add up to less than 360 degrees. But the four angles inside a four-sided polygon must add up to 360 degrees, so they can't all be acute.

How do you know if a poylgon is a regular polygon?

All its sides must be equal and all its angles must be equal.

Is it true that A regular polygon must have equal side lengths and equal angles?


Is a concave polygon regular?

No! Regular polygons must have equal side lengths and equal angles.

Is a right triana regular polygon?

No. Not all angles are equal, and not all sides are equal - and both conditions must be fulfilled for a "regular polygon".

What does a Irregular polygon must equal?

There is nothing that an irregular polygon must equal. A regular polygon must have all its sides of equal length and all its angles of equal measure. If one angle is different from the others, or if one side is not the same as the others then the polygon is irregular.

Do regular polygon must have equal sides lengths and equal angles?

Yes - the word 'regular' implies all sides (and thus all angles are equal.