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Q: Which takes up the most space a pound of feathers or a pound of iron?
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A pound of iron or a pound of feathers?

Neither, a pound of money please.

Does a pound of feathers weigh more than a pound of iron what truly is the difference between the two?

Speaking from a weight standpoint a pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of iron. They each weigh 1 pound. However it take many more feathers to weight a pound then chunks (ingots) of iron.

What weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of iron?

they are equal dummy

Which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of iron?

Neither. They both weigh 1 pound.

Is lifting 40 pounds of feathers easier than lifting 40 pounds of lead?

They weigh the same since a pound of feathers; No matter how much there are, weigh a pound. And a pound of iron, No matter how heavy iron is, weighs a pound. Therefore; the weight of a pound of feathers is equivalent to the weight of a pound of iron.

Are iron weights heavier than concrete weights?

No a lb of bricks and a pound of feathers is still a pound same with concrete and iron

What is heavier one pound of iron or one pound feather?

They are both exactly the same - they weigh a pound. However, the feathers will take up a lot more space (about 0.77942 litres for every kg of feathers - or 779 cm3/kg) whereas the lead would be much smaller (about 0.12700 itres for every kg of iron - or 127 cm3/kg).

Does a pound of peathers weight more than a pound of iron . what truly is the difference between the two?

No. They weigh the same (each weighs a pound). The difference is their densities because a pound of iron has got a much smaller volume than a pound of feathers.

Why does iron feel heavier than feather when their weights are the same?

Iron feels heavier than a feather because it is denser. Density is the amount of mass per unit volume, so even if the weights are the same, the iron is more compacted and takes up less space than the feather. As a result, the iron feels more substantial and gives the perception of being heavier.

What weighs more a pound of iron or a pound of feathers?


What is heavier one pound of iron or one pound of cotton?

Same. That's an old trick question but feathers were more commonly used than cotton.

Which ways more a pound of feathers or a pound of iron?

They are the same. If you're asking about density, though, (how much matter is packed into a certain volume), you can test this by first dropping a pound of iron on your foot, followed by the feathers. An ounce of gold, however, does *not* weigh the same as an ounce of lead. Some research will show why....