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They are both exactly the same - they weigh a pound. However, the feathers will take up a lot more space (about 0.77942 litres for every kg of feathers - or 779 cm3/kg) whereas the lead would be much smaller (about 0.12700 itres for every kg of iron - or 127 cm3/kg).

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Q: What is heavier one pound of iron or one pound feather?
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They weigh the same.

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A pound is a pound, so they weigh the same. However, because air is less dense than iron, a pound of air would occupy a much larger volume than a pound of iron.

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Same. That's an old trick question but feathers were more commonly used than cotton.

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A pound is heavier than 100 grams. One pound is equivalent to approximately 454 grams.

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No, iron is heavier than wood.

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One pound of stone is heavier than one pound of cotton. While they both weigh the same amount, the density of stone is higher than cotton, so a pound of stone takes up less space and feels heavier.

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They're the same amount.

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One kilogram (kg) is heavier than one pound. One kilogram is approximately equivalent to 2.2 pounds.

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One kilogram is about 2.2 times heavier than one pound.

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That's silly. The both weigh the same.

Is silver heavier than iron?

Yes, silver is heavier than iron. One atom of iron has a mass of 55.85 amu (atomic mass units). One atom of silver has a mass of 107.87 amu. All of this information is easily found on a periodic table.