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Neither. They both weigh 1 pound.

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Q: Which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of iron?
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What weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of iron?

they are equal dummy

Does a pound of feathers weigh more than a pound of iron what truly is the difference between the two?

No, a pound of feathers and a pound of iron weigh the same, as they both weigh one pound. The difference between the two is their density and composition - feathers are less dense and made of organic material, while iron is a denser metal.

Hat weighs more sugar or feathers?

1 lb of sugar weighs exactly the same as 1lb of feathers. a pound is a pound is a pound.

Which weighs more pound of cheese or pound of feathers?

Each weighs a pound so neither weights more than the other..

What weighs more iron or feathers?

Iron weighs more than feathers. Iron is a dense, heavy metal, while feathers are light and fluffy. However, if comparing the same volume of iron and feathers, they would weigh the same due to the concept of density.

Which weighs more a pound of coffee or a pound of feathers?

They weigh the same there both a pound.

What weighs more a pound of chicken or a pound of feathers?

Both weigh the same - a pound!

Does a pound of peathers weight more than a pound of iron . what truly is the difference between the two?

No. They weigh the same (each weighs a pound). The difference is their densities because a pound of iron has got a much smaller volume than a pound of feathers.

Which ways more a pound of bricks cheese or feathers?

a pound is a pound is a pound!!!a pound of anything always weighs a pound doesn't matter if it is feathers or bricks!!!

What weighs more a pound of iron or a pound of feathers?


Which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of beans?

they both weigh the same one pound.

Which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of brick?

Each of them has the same weight . . . one pound.