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Q: Which type of graphic is commonly used to show discrete data?
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What is commonly used to show discreet data?

what is commonly used to show discrete data

What is commonly used to show discrete data?

Bar graph.

What kind of graph is commonly used to show discrete data?

A pie chart :) or a bar graph.

What graph is most commonly used to show discrete data?

A bar graph works well in this case

What is a definition of discrete data?

data that can be counted, that does not show a change over time

Can a bar graph be used to show discrete data?


What kind of graph is use to show discrete data?

A bar graph shows discreet data, but other types can also.

Why is a line graph the best graphic aid to show the data?

you can see the change over time

What is the definition of box plot?

a graphic way to display the median, quartiles, and extremes of a data set on a number line to show the distribution of the data.

What graphs are used to show discrete data?

Almost any kind of graph can be used to show discrete data: You can use a line graph (most economic data), a bar graph (demographics), a pictogram, a pie chart, a scatter plot, radar. Although 3-d charts can also be used, they are very poor at conveying information because of the difficulty in interpreting depth.

A line graph is commonly used to show continuous data?


What kind of data does a bar gragh show?

A bar graph shows categorical data represented by rectangular bars. Each bar represents a different category and the height of the bar represents the frequency or amount associated with that category. It is commonly used to compare and display data in categories or groups.