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Q: Who are the ones who used number lines to locate points in places?
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Related questions

What is used to locate points in geometry?

lines and angles

How are longitude and latitude lines used to locate points on earth?

They are used to locate a certain place on a map.

What reference lines are used to locate points on earth?

Latitude and Longitude

Are latitude and longitude lines used to locate places?

East And West(:

What is a grid How does it help us to locate places?

It is a network of lines that used to zone different areas on a map. They help locate places by separating areas

What is imaginary lines that are used to help locate places and objects are called lines of and?

Imaginary lines that are used to help locate places and objects are called lines of latitude and longitude. Lines of latitude run east and west around the Earth, while lines of longitude run north and south from pole to pole.

What are the pattern of lines drawn on maps help locate places?

map index

What are imaginary lines that are used to help locate places and objects?

latitude and longitude

What is the least and maximum number of lines obtainable with 7 points?

depends on the position of the points if points are collinear, we have just only one line, the minimum number. If points are in different position (if any of the two points are not collinear) we have 21 lines (7C2), the maximum number of lines.

What is the type of map uses horizontal and vertical lines to locate places?


How do you locate places on map or globe?

using lines of latittude and longitude and co-ordinates

How are toposheets useful to us?

they help us locate places with the help of grid lines........................