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Q: Who believed that all relationships in the world could be expressed in numbers in Greek?
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What did Greek art and architecture?

Greek art expressed beauty, balance , and harmony .

Who is the greek mathematician who introduce the prime numbers?

greek numbers

What is the greek word for studying numbers?

It is arithmetic, from the Greek arithmos = numbers.

What two Greek gods believed in immortality?

All of them believed in it; they were immortal.

What does Nina mean in greek?

Nina does not officially mean anything in Greek because it is believed to be a Spanish name. In Spanish, it is believed to mean "child," which is often what it is associated with in Greek.

Why was the Greek god of nature pan worshiped?

Pan, the Greek god of nature, was worshiped because he was believed to have the power to protect flocks and shepherds, ensure fertility of crops, and bring about a harmonious relationship with the natural world. Additionally, Pan was associated with music, joy, and the wild, making him a popular deity among the common people.

Where were greek gods believed to be housed?

In nature.

What is a Greek goddess?

A Greek goddess is a myth of a female God, believed in by the Ancient Greeks.

What ancient Greek writer expressed the opinion that Big Book equals Big Bore?

The ancient Greek writer Callimachus expressed the opinion that Big Book equals Big Bore. Yes, excellent answer.

What is the symbol for rational numbers?

Q is the set of all rational numbers. The letter Q is used because rationals can be expressed as a quotient of two integers. Any letter from the Greek or Latin alphabet may be used as a symbol for an individual rational number.

What is the Greek root word of thespian?

The Greek root word of "thespian" is "Thespis," who was a Greek playwright and one of the earliest known actors in ancient Greek theatre.

Who believed in eros the greek god?

ancient Greeks