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both are just as fast although the one going 10 meters in five seconds is probably accelerating faster...

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Q: Who is fester 10 meters in 5 seconds or 20 meters in 10 seconds?
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Who was travelling faster than the other a person who covered 10 meters in 5 seconds or the one who took 10 seconds to cover 20 meters?

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Which is faster a person who covered 10 meters in 5 seconds or the one who covered 20 meters in 10 seconds?

They are the same .

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Yes, as speed=distance/time. Therefore 10/1 = 10ms-1 and also 20/2 = 10ms-1

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By multiplication and so 20 times 10 = 200 square meters

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(1,000 meters/20 minutes) x (1 minute/60 seconds) = 5/6 meter per second