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Euclid of Alexandria. He wrote a number of books about geometry but is best know for "Elements".

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Q: Who is the father of geometry What book did he write about geometry?
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Why is euclid important to geometry?

Because he was the first write a book about Geometry.

Who is called 'the father of geometry'?

Euclid, a Greek mathematician, is known as the Father of Geometry. In his mathematics book Elements, he introduced what came to be known as Euclidean geometry.

What is the title of the book written by the father of geometry?


Why is Euclid called the father of geometry?

For the book elements

Who was the first person to write a geometry book?

It is not known. Euclid's Elements is famous for setting out geometry in a systematic and axiomatic way, his book was by no means the first on geometry.

Is thales also the father of geometry?

most people believe that Elucid of Alaxander is the father of greek geometry by publishing all-time best-sellers book, The Elements. However the real father of Geometry is Thales. So you are correct.

Why was Euclid important?

Because he was the first person to write a geometry book!

Who is Euclid and why is he important?

He was a geometrician and he was the first person to write a geometry book.

Who wrote the element?

The book "The Elements" was written by the mathematician Euclid. He was known as the father of geometry.

What were Pythagoras and Euclid famous for?

Euclid is known as the Father of Geometry. He was a very intelligent mathematician who wrote a book all about geometry, called The Elements.

What is father of geometry?

euclid or known as euclides reffered to father of geometry

Who is known as father of geometry?

Euclid of Alexandria, is often referred to as the "Father of Geometry."