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Q: What is the title of the book written by the father of geometry?
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Who wrote the element?

The book "The Elements" was written by the mathematician Euclid. He was known as the father of geometry.

What was the title of the book in which the mathematician Euclid organize and applied rigorous logic to geometry?

The book on geometry credited to Euclid was 'Elements'.

Who is called 'the father of geometry'?

Euclid, a Greek mathematician, is known as the Father of Geometry. In his mathematics book Elements, he introduced what came to be known as Euclidean geometry.

Why is Euclid called the father of geometry?

For the book elements

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The laws of geometry are written in the book?

Who is the father of geometry What book did he write about geometry?

Euclid of Alexandria. He wrote a number of books about geometry but is best know for "Elements".

What was the title of the book in which the mathematician Euclid applied rigorous logic to geometry?


Is thales also the father of geometry?

most people believe that Elucid of Alaxander is the father of greek geometry by publishing all-time best-sellers book, The Elements. However the real father of Geometry is Thales. So you are correct.

What was the book elements written by euclid about?

The book was written originally about geometry but mostly had theories and proofs

What was the title of the book mathematician Euclid organized and applied rigorous logic to geometry?


What was the title of the book in which the mathematician Euclid organized and applied rigorous logic to geometry?


What is the title of a fiction book read in elementary school about a father and son pheasant hunting?

Danny, Champion of the world. A book written by Roald Dahl.