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Q: Why are there only identity elements for addition and multiplication?
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Why is 0 not a identity element for multiplication?

An Identity element in multiplication is one that when you multiply a value by the identity element, that the original value is returned. The only identity element in multiplication is 1. If you multiply any value (other than infinity which is a special case of mathematics), the value returned will be 0. The identity element for addition is 0.

What is the identity property in math?

The identity property exists only in the context of a set (such as integers or rationals or reals) AND a binary operator (such as multiplication or addition).The identity property of a set with the binary operation # states that there is a unique element in the set, called the identity which is denoted by i, such thatx # i = i # x = x for all elements x is the set.In the sets mentioned above,the additive identity is 0;the multiplicative identity is 1.

What is the difference between the zero property of multiplication and the identity property of addition?

Usually, the identity of addition property is defined to be an axiom (which only specifies the existence of zero, not uniqueness), and the zero property of multiplication is a consequence of existence of zero, existence of an additive inverse, distributivity of multiplication over addition and associativity of addition. Proof of 0 * a = 0: 0 * a = (0 + 0) * a [additive identity] 0 * a = 0 * a + 0 * a [distributivity of multiplication over addition] 0 * a + (-(0 * a)) = (0 * a + 0 * a) + (-(0 * a)) [existence of additive inverse] 0 = (0 * a + 0 * a) + (-(0 * a)) [property of additive inverses] 0 = 0 * a + (0 * a + (-(0 * a))) [associativity of addition] 0 = 0 * a + 0 [property of additive inverses] 0 = 0 * a [additive identity] A similar proof works for a * 0 = 0 (with the other distributive law if commutativity of multiplication is not assumed).

What are the 5 kinds of identity of multiplication?

For any set of numbers, with the normal operation of multiplication defined on the set, there is only one identity, and that is 1.

Can growing patterns only involve multiplication and addition?

It can also include addition and multiplication using negative and positive numbers.

What does the word paddock mean in math?

A paddock is a set that satisfies the 4 addition axioms, 4 multiplication axioms and the distributive law of multiplication and addition but instead of 0 not being equal to 1, 0 equals 1. Where 0 is the additive identity and 1 is the multiplicative identity. The only example that comes to mind is the set of just 0 (or 1, which in this case equals 0).

Is subtraction and division associative?

No, only multiplication and addition are.

What is the order of math?

P.E.M.D.A.S is how i remember it Parentheses Exponent Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction also, whichever comes first in the problem goes first, but this only works with multiplication and division and also addition and subtraction but only multiplication with division and addition with subtraction

Does the commutative property states that the order of the terms in an addition or multiplication problem can be changed without affecting the result?

Commutativity only applies to multiplication. Associativity applies to addition.

Between multiplication and addition to whom you will give more preference?

I don't know if it should be called "preference", but if an expression has both multiplication and addition in it, then the multiplication has to be done first. This is only because you'll get the wrong answer the other way, not because there's anything preferable about multiplication.

How can you determine an elements identity?

Only by methods of analytical chemistry.

What signs go with only the associative property?

The answer cannot be addition of numbers because that sign can also go with the commutative property, not "only the associative property" as required by the question. For the same reason, the answer cannot be multiplication of numbers. Also, in both cases, multiplication is distributive over addition.